Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pierced Ears & BIG Tears!

Sooo today was quite the busy day! Chris was off hunting for the morning, so I figured a shopping trip with my Mama was in order! We have never attempted a mall trip with both the babies before, so we were prepared for anything! Thankfully they were very well behaved and easy to please. It's amazing how much a chocolate milkshake and some french fries can cure a tantrum :) After a fun morning of shopping till we dropped and my mom totally spoiling me and the babies...we randomly decided to get Miss Em's ears pierced. Her and my mom had it done together and it was too cute! I was soo nervous for her... I had always wanted her to have this done, but I was too afraid to deal with a fussy baby. To my surprise she only let out a couple *VERY* loud screams followed by a couple crocodile tears and she was back to her giggly self for the rest of the day. Our little girl is such a trooper. Thanks again to my Mommy for a wonderful morning.

Here's a few pics of her modeling her pretty little ears....

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