Monday, August 30, 2010

An Afternoon At The Park

So yesterday we had Chris all to ourselves, it was so nice having him around our house! I always joke with him that I am a single mommy when hunting season comes around, so it was great to have my wonderful husband spend a day with us. After the babies woke up from their 3 hour long nap (loved it!) We decided to take O to the park, or what he calls "The Swings". But first my amazing and thoughtful husband knew that Starbucks started selling my ultimate favorite drink of the year (Pumpkin Spice Latte) so he made a coffee run for me so I could watch the kiddos play and sip my favorite coffee. Love him!!

As usual, the babies had a great time playing at the park. Owen's new favorite attraction is the slide! We probably watched him go up and down that thing like 50 times! And if you have ever been to the Splash Park you will know how big and scary that slide is... so I am very proud of our little boy! Em hung out watching her big brother and played on the swings for a bit. Our babies are getting so big and every day is a new adventure with them. We are so blessed to have such an amazing little family!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pierced Ears & BIG Tears!

Sooo today was quite the busy day! Chris was off hunting for the morning, so I figured a shopping trip with my Mama was in order! We have never attempted a mall trip with both the babies before, so we were prepared for anything! Thankfully they were very well behaved and easy to please. It's amazing how much a chocolate milkshake and some french fries can cure a tantrum :) After a fun morning of shopping till we dropped and my mom totally spoiling me and the babies...we randomly decided to get Miss Em's ears pierced. Her and my mom had it done together and it was too cute! I was soo nervous for her... I had always wanted her to have this done, but I was too afraid to deal with a fussy baby. To my surprise she only let out a couple *VERY* loud screams followed by a couple crocodile tears and she was back to her giggly self for the rest of the day. Our little girl is such a trooper. Thanks again to my Mommy for a wonderful morning.

Here's a few pics of her modeling her pretty little ears....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emma's Yummys

This was my first attempt at home making Emma's foods! It was actually fun and much easier than I thought. I wish I would have had the time to do this with Owen when he was this age, it is so much healthier than the stuff you can buy and it is pretty cool that some of the stuff came from our garden! Next week we will do squash, greenbeans and corn!

I think the home made food is a hit! She loves it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lazzzy Afternoon at Ginny and Papi's

After church today, we spent a warm sunny afternoon up at my Mom and Dad's relaxing the day away. We played in the garden, jumped on the trampoline and Owen obsessed over the horsey. It was so nice to do nothing and watch the babies play. I love those days!

Checkin' out the peppers.

She is so perfect!

Loving on his Ginny

Em LOVES Annie, it's so cute!

Our 2'nd Annual Family Lincoln City Trip!

We had a GREAT time in Lincoln City this Summer. It was Owen's second time at the beach and Emma's first! It was so awesome to be around our closest family and spend time with my Grandma Karen, who we don't get to see as often as we would like. The babies loved the ocean and the sand and of course, the kites! Can't wait for next year... it will be even more fun :)

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